Resultados: 3

Consulta de enfermagem a pessoas com tuberculose: proposta de instrumento

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 19 (), 2020
Objective: To build a script for nursing history aimed at standardizing the nursing consultation to people with tuberculosis and subsidize an adequate record and the completeness of the nursing process. Method: this is qualitative research based on the action research methodology, ...

Consulta de Enfermagem: relato de experiência sobre promoção da saúde de pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 19 (), 2020
Objective: To report the experience of nursing students in carrying out consultations for people with diabetes, at home and in the office, in the context of primary health care. Methods: This is an experience report, based on theoretical and practical activities at a family health ce...

El cuidado enfermero en la Consulta de Enfermería Intercultural de la Asociación Civil Idas y Vueltas, Montevideo-Uruguay

Rev. urug. enferm; 13 (2), 2018
El proceso de globalización iniciado hace varias décadas ha llevado a una complejización del fenómeno migratorio y generado cambios en la realidad sociocultural de los países receptores y como tal, en Uruguay. En el ámbito sanitario, los prestadores de salud y sus profesionales deben r...